
1950's fallout shelter plans
1950's fallout shelter plans

Concrete was the preferred material for laying the foundation and walls of the shelter. The prime objective was to put as much mass between survivors and the radioactive particles from the blast as possible. Gamma particles begin to slowed down by 1 1/2 miles of air or 2 1/2 feet of earth. To prevent against exposure from nuclear fallout, these shelters were built underground to allow dirt and soil to provide natural protection from radiation. The fallout shelter was essentially a civilian adapted bunker equipped with food, fresh water, living accommodations, and personal necessities. These subterranean structures were built in basements and backyards to ensure a household quick,immediate safety in the event of an attack.

1950 1950

With the ever-looming possibility of nuclear annihilation from Soviet forces, Americans in the 1950's began building personal shelters that would protect against nuclear fallout specifically gamma radiation.

1950's fallout shelter plans