
Diablo 2 resurrected mac requirements
Diablo 2 resurrected mac requirements

diablo 2 resurrected mac requirements

Nearly 2 months after that March update, there was an allegued leak that Vicarous Visions (a game studio owned by Activision) was working on Diablo II: Resurrected. The update offered no foreseeable solution but he assured the team had been working all this time on a 64-bit version of Diablo II.

diablo 2 resurrected mac requirements

No further updates were posted in this thread from November 2019 until March 2020 (4 months). Nearly a month later, on November 2019, Kaldraydis confirmed they would work on a future patch to address the incompatibility issue. In the same month, October 2019, another customer support technician responded: In effect, Diablo II needs to be rebuilt from scratch onto a new modern game engine. There can never be a Diablo II: Remastered, because there are no 100% assets to remaster. The only way this can be done is by building new 4K and low-res art assets from scratch. Therefore, any attempt to recreate Diablo II to port to 64-bit is impossible. The main reason is that Diablo II source code was corrupted and lost - as revealed by the original Blizzard North developers. Shortly after, customer support Kaldraydis responded: Our dev team is investigating the compatibility issue with Diablo 2 and 10.15 Catalina.Įditor: The reason this issue happened is that Apple terminated support for 32-bit software in their Mac OS Catalina.

Diablo 2 resurrected mac requirements